A Liberal Dose
Troy D. Smith
“Some American Voters Are Feeling Buyers’ Remorse”
It is only five weeks into the second Trump administration,
and I am starting to see evidence that some of his voters are experiencing
buyers’ remorse. Of course, there are plenty who are delighted with much of
what he has done so far -or, at least, who defend it all. But even many of them
are a little unsure about some of it. What a lot of them didn’t realize -and a
few are starting to -is that when he talked about “those people” who don’t
deserve what they have, he didn’t just mean immigrants and minorities. Unless
you are a billionaire, he was talking about you, too. Nothing he has done so
far is going to improve the economy -if anything, between tariffs, mass firings,
and closing down government agencies set up to protect the public, he is making
it significantly worse. And a lot of people who supported him are the ones
feeling the pain. In fact, the way things are going, it is going to be red
states that suffer the hardest. Some of my conservative friends are not
concerned about this -you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few (very
expensive) eggs, they basically say. But it hasn’t hit them personally yet. I
predict a different tune will be sung once it does. And it’s coming.
Actually, though, while many of his acts are shocking, none
of them should really be surprising. He may not be doing what he said he would…
but he is doing exactly what everything about him predicted he would. I think a
lot of people have projected things onto him that were never there -like the
idea he would ever sacrifice his own comfort or benefit for them, or that he
cares about them or about the country. For some of his supporters, it is
probably embarrassing to admit that -no one likes admitting they were fooled.
But if that describes you -whether you would admit it or not -you are in good
company. He has been fooling, and using, working class people his whole life.
How many people have done work for him -contractors, construction workers, even
basic staff -and never been paid a fraction of what they were owed? And he has
always bragged about that.
Look, too, at his international relations. He only seems to
care about countries that he perceives as powerful, that are run by
authoritarians or dictators who crush the common people under them. He admires
men like that (notice it is only men). He seems to have disdain for countries,
and leaders, who care about democracy, human rights, ethics, or ideals. He also
disdains countries (“s-hole countries”) that are not extremely powerful.
Strength and power are all that he sees, or wants to see.
Are you powerful? If not, then you are a tool to be used and
discarded. Once he has what he needed from you- your vote (which he will not
need again, because he can’t run again -though he wants to -and he doesn’t
really care about the fate of the Republican Party), you will be ignored.
Which brings us back to my earlier discussions about robber
barons. They treat you like you’re a peasant there to serve their wants, not
like a human being worthy of respect. Everything they do is for their own
enrichment, or for those like them (because that would naturally benefit them
as well). Judge them by what they do, not what they promise to do. Republicans
in Congress are all set to cut Medicaid to the bone, and free lunches for poor
kids, and SNAP, and are even talking out loud about cutting social security. Musk
has actually fired much of the social security staff, including in Tennessee,
which is going to slow down processing and payments. Why? Out of concern for
the budget? Trump raised the deficit more than any president in history last
time around. No, they want to do those things so they can give massive tax cuts
to other billionaires.
It's like, on the state level, what just happened with
school vouchers. The vast majority of Republican legislators, and the
Republican governor, supported them… despite the fact they have been proven not
to work as well as public school so far as level of education, despite the fact
there is little to no opportunity in rural counties, and despite the fact most
beneficiaries will be wealthier people (plus the lobbyists and businesses that
endorse the private schools). Its defenders dressed up their vote with rhetoric
about “freedom”, but it was actually about the freedom for you to give your hard-earned
tax money for breaks to rich people.
Judge them by their ACTIONS.
By the way, fun fact: South African venture capitalist Peter
Thiel, mentor and chief donor to J.D. Vance, has said that “freedom and
democracy are incompatible” because the common people are a mindless rabble who
don’t know what’s good for them. His alt-right supporters call for an end to
democracy and a return to feudalism. You know, feudalism: that practice in the
Middle Ages when the barons were served by peasants.
Do you want to be a free American, part of a free world, or
do you want to be a peasant in service to what George W. Bush called “the Axis
of Evil”?
Because you’re about to find out, if you haven’t already,
what being a peasant feels like.
--Troy D.
Smith, a White County native, is a novelist and a history professor at
Tennessee Tech and serves on the executive committee of the Tennessee
Democratic Party. His words do not necessarily represent TTU.
Buy the book A Liberal Dose: Communiques from the Holler by Troy D. Smith HERE
You can find all previous entries in this weekly column HERE
A list of other historical essays that have appeared on this blog can be found HERE
Author's website: www.troyduanesmith.com
The author's historical lectures on youtube can be found HERE
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