Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Liberal Dose, October 6, 2022 "What Are You For? What Matters Most to You?"


A Liberal Dose

October 6, 2022

Troy D. Smith

“What are you for? What matters most to you?”

In the last few weeks, I have talked a lot on here about the dangers of using fear to divide people (or to define yourself), the duties of citizens to speak out bravely about issues rather than hiding their heads in the sand, and the important point that protecting individual rights and promoting the welfare of the community are not mutually exclusive.

These topics become more and more relevant the closer we get to election day. I am reminded of something one of my conservative friends (and I have a lot) said to me a little over a year ago, and which I wrote about at the time. “What are you FOR?” he asked. “You’re always talking about what you’re AGAINST, but what are you FOR?” I think that’s a very important question for us all to be asking as midterms approach. Too much of our time -all of us -is spent obsessing over how to stop the other person from achieving what THEY’RE for, or making sure our person is against the same things as us. Too many politicians stoke up voters’ fears to win elections –“vote for me because the other person is crazy and dangerous” -and spend too little time stirring up people’s HOPES. FDR was really good at building up people’s hopes, and soothing their fears rather than increasing them. At making people feel safe, instead of making them feel endangered. We need some of that today.

What are your politicians FOR? Find out. Find out, even if they are not from your party of choice. Compare it to what you are for and see how it lines up -again, regardless of party. And judge what they are for by their actions, not just their words. And, while you’re at it, determine whether they are trying to scare you into voting for them by telling you how dangerous people around you are, instead of trying to persuade you to vote for them by sharing their hopes with you, and by encouraging teamwork instead of enmity. Remember that feeling we all had in the weeks after 9/11, that we were all on the same side no matter our party? Let’s rekindle that.

Of course, to do that, you have to clearly know what YOU are for. You probably think you already do… but put it to the test. I challenge you: sit down with pen and paper, and list out all the things you are FOR. Saying “I am FOR stopping the other side from doing such-and-such” doesn’t count. That is an “against,” not a “for.” Write down things you believe in, and positive things you want to see accomplished. Then put them in order of importance, and see what the top five are -and see if the words and actions of the politicians seeking your vote demonstrate they really share your values. Here’s what I came up with for myself:

1.     I am for the protection of what Jefferson called “unalienable rights,” fundamental and basic things listed in the Bill of Rights. Freedoms of religion, speech, the press, and so on. This includes civil rights for minorities.

2.     I am for “promoting the general welfare” by ensuring that every citizen’s basic needs are met: health care, food, clean water, shelter.

3.     I am for addressing climate change in such a way as to prevent, or at least minimize, catastrophic results for our grandchildren.

4.     I am for education- public, supported as much as possible by our tax funds on every level, with politicians allowing the teachers to teach without interference, and funding them to do so.

5.     I am for a social and economic system that ensures equality of opportunity. Not a guarantee of equal success, but a guarantee of a fair playing field -what (Republican) Teddy Roosevelt called a “Square Deal.”

How about you? What are you for?

--Troy D. Smith, a White County native, is a novelist and a history professor at Tennessee Tech. His words do not necessarily represent TTU.

You can find all previous entries in this weekly column HERE

A list of other historical essays that have appeared on this blog can be found HERE

Author's website: www.troyduanesmith.com

The author's historical lectures on youtube can be found HERE

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