Sunday, March 2, 2025

A Liberal Dose, February 28 "Will You Be Living on the Scraps?"


A Liberal Dose

Troy D. Smith

“Will You Be Living on the Scraps?”


If there’s one thing I hate talking about, it’s economics. First, because I don’t like math and numbers, and second, because I don’t like discussing money (coming as I do from a family with practically no experience with it). But as a historian, it has been my sad experience that you can’t talk about history without addressing economics. Unless it’s one of my classes abut indigenous culture, then there is no money discussion until the Europeans show up, and then -like everywhere else -it becomes all about the cash.

Maybe you’re the same way. Maybe economics is like a made-up language other people are speaking, that makes your head spin so you skip over that part. This is most likely to be true if you are working class, because in that world the only economics you know is how much your paycheck falls short of paying all the bills, so you don’t want to think about it. To quote an old Everclear song, “you have never been poor, you have never known the joy of a welfare Christmas.” It becomes even more depressing when there are people all around you saying that if you were really a good person God would bless you with wealth, so that people who have been more fortunate carry around an open sense of moral superiority over you.

There are some people who count on you feeling that way. They tell you that you don’t have to worry about it- they’re going to fix everything, just trust them. Oddly enough, they are usually people who already have a lot of money -and by the time they’re finished helping you, they have even more and you have even less. If you happen to notice that, and point it out, they accuse you of being envious and trying to stir up class warfare. If you say things should be done more fairly, they will probably accuse you of socialism.

Let’s take a look at the efforts of Elon Musk, and his assistant Donald Trump, to slash the federal budget. I’ve heard many Trump supporters in White County say things like “I can’t believe these liberals are whining so much! How can you be upset by somebody cutting waste?” Well, because they’re not cutting waste. They are cutting all the things they are ideologically opposed to, most of which revolve around fairness and/or providing necessary services to the public. Any service designed to help people (unless they are robber barons) is automatically evil, because in their worldview helping people is stupid -it should be every man (always a man) for himself. What will be the long-term (and maybe not a distant long-term) result of these actions? Well, the immediate result is that they can give massive tax cuts to the super-wealthy yet still be able to say they are trying to “balance the budget” (bear in mind that Trump added more to the deficit than any other president in history in his first four years). What about beyond that?

All these hundreds of thousands of jobs that are being lost already have a huge downside, in that airplanes are running into each other in the sky, no one is working on curing or containing diseases, parks are closing down, veterans are losing access to healthcare, and so on. But let’s think in a wider circle. Since those people are being fired “for cause” (with no actual cause), they won’t be able to collect unemployment. So they’ll have NO money. Unemployment numbers are going to shoot up. Unemployed people who have no money -and I know this might sound crazy -DON’T SPEND MONEY. Their families won’t be buying new clothes and other items, or going out to eat. Manufacturers and restaurants will start losing money, and will close down or lay off part of their workforce -and then THOSE people won’t be spending money. The economy will bog down. Inflation will go up even more. This will all be greatly exacerbated by Trump’s insane tariffs, which will have two results- the price of goods will go up even more, and our trade partners will just start buying their goods from some other country (which Canada has already started doing). Farmers are going to be hit especially hard by all this.

What I have just described is how economics works. It’s how we can understand the depressions and recessions of the past. When the people at the top have too high a percentage of the overall wealth, the people in the middle and at the bottom stop spending money and the whole operation grinds to a halt.  And it is coming, to all of us. When it is all over, Trump, Musk, and a handful of their buddies will have everything, and you will have nothing -and these would-be barons will expect you to be their grateful peasants, and beg them for scraps.

Look around, folks. It’s already starting.


--Troy D. Smith, a White County native, is a novelist and a history professor at Tennessee Tech and serves on the executive committee of the Tennessee Democratic Party. His words do not necessarily represent TTU.

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